I'm going to be 100% honest with you.
I'm a lawyer.
But, like a COOL lawyer.
I’m also a mother of four, a costume sewer, a YA fiction reader, an unashamed car singer and FIERCE advocate for female entrepreneurs. And I LOVE solving problems.
- What if you've heard so much conflicting FB group legal advice that you want to run for the hills?
- What if you are ready to make this a "real business" and get things set up properly?
- What if you need some decent contracts so your clients stop sucking you dry with scope creep?
- And what if the thought of untangling LLCs and DBAs with people who work in IP is enough to send you screaming...
Are you going to plop yourself down with some random attorney your Dad golfs with to ‘discuss’ your beloved business baby and pawn off idiotic questions about your "little hobby" on The Instagram?
So what your options??
Close your eyes and sign your contracts on a wish and a prayer?
Borrow something from a friend that fell off a LegalZoom truck somewhere and hope for the best?
Send out good vibes into the universe and manifest yourself a risk management policy????

LET’S BE REAL! And let’s get stuff done. (all the hashtags, cue sassy stiletto boss-lady pic)
Let’s get your business set up, protected, and nurtured so that it can grow as big as your dreams, without breaking the bank or YOU in the process.
Let’s get you some legit contracts (and not those Frankenstein ones that wandered out of a Facebook group). Let's draft some meaty text (that you can make pretty) so that you can set clear expectations for YOURSELF and for those who work with you. If that kind of professional foresight and honesty is too much for someone you work with — let them go. You’ve got things to do and chasing down your money after you’ve had 27 rounds of edits on a logo project isn’t one of them.
Let’s do a website audit so we can make sure your fresh online face complies with the most recent privacy, copyright, and technology laws. And for heaven’s sake, let’s make sure that the brand identity you spent a fortune on gets protected with some copyrights and trademarks.
Let’s protect your business and brand because you LOVE IT — and you are ready to walk into the bright unknown with your head high and your heels sharp. (another shoe reference?? I blame my mother)
Book a free 15-min consult
Let's talk about YOUR business. Where you are at. Where you want to go. Zero judgment. Zero shame for coulda-shoulda-woulda -- just onward and upward so that legal is helping to protect and support your business instead of making you sweat bullets every time you push send.